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It is our commitment to be agile, uphold our commitment to customer success, and use technology as a position of strength and adaptation during a time of uncertainty. We stand ready to work with you on your own business continuity plans as you deem necessary, if this is a service you want to explore please contact

Download our complimentary business preparedness checklist encompassing human resources, security, IT, and other considerations. Click here to download.

Industry Resources

1. Coronavirus: Effective strategies and tools for remote work during a pandemic

2. Tech conference cancellation list

3. How Coronavirus may accelerate the future of work

4. What’s Your Company’s Emergency Remote Work Plan?

Cisco Resources

1. Resources for your IT teams to help you prepare, deploy and manage the immense change that comes with a wide-scale rapid deployment of remote-work solutions. Initial technical guidance can be found at
2. Guidance to individual end users and their managers on adapting to remote work. End user resources can be found at
3. On top of  regular live and on-demand classes, we’ve added the following additional topics:
– Working from home
– Transitioning in-person events to virtual events
– Helping you move to virtual work
– Managing remote teams

Avaya Resources

1. Explore a cloud-based app for video conferencing, chat, and more, here:

As always, lean on any member of the Carousel team to ensure you receive the help you need during these challenges times. Contact your account rep or email for immediate support.